Frnkfurt m Min, locted on e bnks of river Min in Germny, is modern city wi round 2000-yer history, nd nowdys it hs become one of e most importnt certers in industry nd commerce, finnce, eduction nd trnsporttion in e whole Europe. Developed economy, forwrd-looking ought nd excellent city mngement mke it become e most growble city in Germny. Frnkfurt m Min is considered s e remrkble HAVC holy lnd in e world nks to e binnul world’s leding trde fir for e broom experience, building services, energy, ir conditioning technology nd renewble energies.
KUHNN pressing forwrd wi indomi will ws born in such plce. In order to stisfy e incresing needs in heing, energy-sving, enviroment protection nd comfor life, we keep on devoting ourselves to use up-to-dte Germn HAVC technology nd provide top qulity products in order to reduce e hze nd crbon emission for e comfor life of ech fmily, becsre we ink “Innovtive Technology, Leding e Future“.