The compny hs production bse in Gungdong, mrketing center in Shnghi, n Internet of Things Reserch Institute in Wuxi, nd sles compny in Zhejing. It hs cooperted wi scientific reserch institutions such s Chinese Acdemy of Sciences, Nnjing University, University of Electronic Science nd Technology, Beijing University of Aeronutics nd Astronutics, Jilin University, Norestern University, Gungzhou Institute of Electronics Technology, etc., independently developed intelligent high-speed logistics sorting line system, bsed on dvnced mchine vision hrdwre And mchine vision lgorims, embedded sorting control systems, etc., e technicl indictors hve reched e domestic leding level, wi more n 50 logistics sorting system invention ptents, utility model ptents nd softwre copyrights. The Wuxi Institute of Internet of Things of e compny is lso e Sunn Reserch nd Development Center of e Intelligent Logistics Institute of e Qingdo Institute of Intelligent Industry Technology, e Institute of Automtion, Chinese Acdemy of Sciences.