1. Scope范圍
This document specifies the general quality requirements for “Sleeping Bag” and other similar products. It is used as a general guideline for inspection if clients have not defined their requirement.
2. Inspection Criteria of Product / Package 產品/包裝驗貨標準 2
Product: 產品
·Must be without any unsafe defect for using;
·Should be free of damaged, broken, scratch, crackle etc. Cosmetic / Aesthetics defect;
·Must be conform to the shipping market legal regulation / client’s requirement;
·The construction, appearance, cosmetics and material of all units should comply with client’s requirement / approved samples;
·All units should have full function complying with client’s requirement / approved samples; 產品功能必須符合客戶的要求或與樣品保持一致;
·The marking / label on unit should be legal and clear.
Package: 包裝 2
·All units will be adequately packaged, and constructed from suitably robust materials, such that it arrives in store in a merchantable condition;
產品要有足夠強度的材料構成的充分包裝,使得貨物以可銷售的狀態(tài)到達目的倉庫; 2
·The packaging material can protect the goods from damage during transportation;
在運輸過程中,包裝材料能防止貨物受損; 2
·The shipping mark, bar code, label (such as price label), should conform to client’s spec. and/or approved samples;
箱麥,條形碼,標簽(例如:價格標簽)應符合客戶的要求或與樣品保持一致; 2
·The package should comply to client’s requirement / approved samples;
包裝必須符合客戶的要求或與樣品保持一致; 2
·Text of illustration, instruction, label and warning statement etc. must be clearly printed in user’s language;
圖解,說明書,標簽,警告聲明等應清晰地印有使用者語言; 2
·The illustration and instruction on the packaging must conform to the product and its actual performance.
包裝上的圖解和說明書必須與實際產品及其功能保持一致; 2
·The method and material of pallet/crate etc. should be approved by client.
3. Inspection Plan & Defects classification
檢驗計劃及缺陷分類 ?
Sampling procedure & Defects Definition, please refer to SHOP-HI001 General Inspection Operation Procedure
抽樣程序以及缺陷定義,詳見SHOP-HI001 通用檢查程序 – 終隨機檢查。 ?
Acceptable Quality Limit:
可接受的質量限 2
Critical 0 Non-conformity is not allowed 2
AQL 1.5 For Major Non-Conformity 2
AQL 4.0 For Minor Non-Conformity
. Finger prints on mirror surface 鏡面指印 X Dust attached on mirror surface 鏡面銹跡 (臟污纖維附在織物表面) X X Loose fibers attached on mirror surface 鏡面飛花 (松散纖維附在織物表面) X Appearance Color shade variation between two parts 色差 X X Color off tone 脫色 X Creases mark 皺痕 X Wrinkle mark 起皺 X
Item code
Sample size & Defects Classification 抽樣數(shù)量及缺陷分類
Critical 致命
Major 嚴重
Minor 輕微
Packaging Check 包裝檢查
At least the square root of the total number of cartons or defined by client, and checks all cartons/pallets/crates that were selected for sampling. 至少是總