1.詢價 需要發(fā)貨人提供包裝化學品技術說明書(MSDS)確認海運運價。
2.訂艙 在訂艙前,需要提前10工作日將以下3份文件傳真到我司: 1.海運委托書。 2.出入。
3.提供海事申報資料、裝箱、貼危標、監(jiān)裝拍照 提前5個工作日寄出“入境危險貨物運輸包...
4.危險品出口報關海事申報 憑危險貨物適用申報單、集裝箱裝運危險貨物裝箱證明書。
5.報檢、報關 提前3天提供出口報關相關資料!
There are many special requirements for the export of chemical products, whether in packaging, transportation or documents.
1. For the inquiry, the shipper shall provide the packing chemical safety specification (MSDS) to confirm the shipping rate.
2. Booking shipping space Before booking shipping space, the following 3 documents should be faxed to our company 10 working days in advance: 1.2. The discrepancy.
3. Provide maritime declaration materials, packing, labeling of dangerous goods and taking photos by supervision and sending "Inbound dangerous Goods transport package..." 5 working days in advance.
Export declaration of Dangerous goods maritime declaration shall be made by declaration of Safety of Dangerous goods and packing certificate of Container loading of dangerous goods.
5. Provide export declaration materials 3 days in advance for inspection and declaration.